Scholar has found a new girlfriend. He didn't have the courtesy to tell me. She looks a little like me, but no doubt she'll be able to give him whatever I couldn't. As he said, once, 'one day he'll find someone who doesn't want to share him'. I don't think he ever really understood the idea of polyamory. I wanted to share my life with him forever, for real, and for as long as he wanted. Well, he's lost that now. I don't think I could ever trust him again, even if he wanted something with me. How can you trust someone who claims to love you so much that he wants you to leave your partner...and then just...not? I don't get it. I can't turn my feelings on and off like that.
Our house is now nearly ready for us to move in! Woohoo! We slept overnight there last night and christened one of the rooms. I spent all day in bed today though because I felt like total shite. I think I must be a bit run down...
...which explains why I was in such a stupid amount of pain when I had my latest lot of tattooing.
Cue giant picture of my arse. Why, don't mind if I do.
As you can see, I totally failed to sit through the whole colouring. However, I did manage three hours even if most of it was totally agonizing. It's lovely though and I am very pleased. I like the black and white picture because the shading on the flower shows up so well. My next session is in six weeks, when I will get it finished, I swear.