Adventures in Photography!

Today I have been mostly very unproductive. My pretty pretty new shoes arrived this morning and therefore I spent all day dicking about, trying to take good pictures of them. I did fail rather spectacularly but I achieved a couple of rather good pictures in the meantime.

First, the not-rude one: 'Staircase'

I'm not so sure why I liked this picture, but I do. It was actually a perspective experiment to try and get a picture of me reclining on the staircase, but I liked the way it came out.

So I also took a couple of myself. This is the first one, which I couldn't be bothered to title.

It's pretty tricky to get good angles of yourself when you're restricted in terms of movement. This was before I started using the timer so I really only had my own flexibility to work with. I liked the colours in the shot and also the angle of my leg and foot.

I then took this shot, using my camera's timer. It's not the shot I wanted, but it turned out fairly well and I do like it. There's a lot of things about it which I look at and go 'yuk!'. I can see my fat. My chin looks really prominant. My hair looks frizzy. But I really kind of like it. It's me - very me. So, this is 'The Stretch'.

There...three new pictures, a couple of experiments with timers, angles and colour filters...and me still kind of regretting that I don't have my old Samsung camera because it was SO MUCH better than this Fujifilm one. Sad panda!


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